Kettlebell Kings is excited to work with one of our favorite Instagram kettlebell users @kellsbells88 on a new kettlebell challange! Kelly Manzone is a trainer and has been responsible for some of our most liked and commented reposts on our Kettlebell Kings Instagram account, so when she contacted us about working with her we were really excited to help. Kelly is collaborating on an internet wide kettlebell challenge which you can be a part of and have a chance to win a Kettlebell Kings competition kettlebell! Kelly describes herself as a 'kettlebell hybrid' because like a lot of folks she learned a certain type of kettlebell training and that over the years as her kettlebell use has grown, she continues exploring new ways to train like kettlebell complexes and kettlebell sport.
By Kelly Manzone:
Kettlebells have long been my favorite fitness tool for their versatility. I openly admit that I am a Kettlebell Hybrid. A fusion of hardstyle meets kettlebell flows/complexes meets the grind of training for a 10 minute Kettlebell Sport set in double long-cycle. When a kettlebell is in my hand; I completely tune out all background noise and tune in to training.
My extensive collection of kettlebells that I have acquired throughout the years has completely taken over my home and car, I often get asked which style and brand of bells I prefer to use. My preference has typically been competition kettlbells for their composition and handle. My super supportive husband, Giancarlo, surprised me with 2 full sets of Kettlebell Kings (which I had my eyes on for some time) ranging from 12-20 kg as I began my journey into kettlebell sport this past year. This girl is loving her Kings! One of the best parts of the journey has been the Kettlebell Sport community, it is just downright awesome.
The Concept
The idea of hosting a kettlebell fitness challenge on social media had been brewing in the back of my mind for a while and I finally decided this past month, that it was “go time”. I like the concept of collaboration; so I reached out to my friend John Parker out in California. We have similarities and differences in our lifting styles that I thought would make for a creative collaboration and between our followers, we could get a lot of people involved!
As a trainer, I have always been drawn to unconventional training methods. The kettlebell is a perfectly diverse tool for encouraging movement in all ranges of motion while building strength, mobility, stability and flexibility. The purpose of this challenge is to encourage movement and collaboration; and learn new skills from one another in the form of the Kettlebell Complex (see example below). Training does not always have to be about a strict structure of exercises, reps and sets, though sometimes it is necessary. In the case of a Kettlebell Complex you can be creative and string together different kettlebell movements one after another to create a workout that is both challenging and new.
Read About The Challenge, Prizes and How To Participate Below!
Kelly Manzone (@kellsbells88) demonstrates a Kettlebell Complex
The Challenge:
The 10 day challenge, EAST coast VS WEST coast #battlebellschallenge begins Wednesday, March 29th. Every 2 days my friend John and I will post kettlebell complex compilation video on Instagram under the names @kellsbells88 & @johnparker_ (click names to follow now) and Facebook encouraging others to participate and tag us. You can tag either of our Instagram names or #battlebellschallenge on your own post with your very own kettlebell complex.
See more demonstrations of a kettlebell complex below.

Create Your Own!
A kettlebell complex is a series of kettlebell movements and exercises strung together to create a flow of kettlebell movements in one workout. The purpose is to be challenging, improve strength, endurance as well try something new and break up the monotny of the same workouts over and over.
We would LOVE for you to participate with us! You can do so by commenting and asking questions about the goals of our posts and what it develops.
Additionally, create your own and win!
When you create your own Kettlebell Complex you can tag @kellsbells88 and @johnparker_ on the post or #battlebellschallenge for us to check it out and maybe even repost! We will be going throw all the submissions and pick male and female winners for the best kettlebell complexes.
Each winner will each receive a Kettlebell Kings kettlebell. There will be a male winner and a female winner! In order to win, you just need to create your own Kettlebell Complex and tag @kellsbells88 or #battlebellschallenge. If you need some ideas, have a look at our hashtag #battlebellschallenge or ask us some questions on our posts at @kellsbells88 and @johnparker_ .
As I gear up to compete in another double long-cycle competition in a few weeks with my Kettlebell Kings, I thought ,"What better prize to give away than 2 competition bells from my favorite kettlebell company!" Thank you for your continued support and top notch kettlebells!
- Kelly Manzone
What Else?
Kettlebell Kings creates weekly workouts you can subcribe to. The workouts are designed to increase strength, endurance and help you challenge yourself each week.
What Is Next?
If this is your first time reading one of our posts, we create kettlebell workouts in collaboration with kettlebell experts which are designed to give you maximal results and not take up much of your time. We send these to your in box automatically every week! We recommend you read more about receiving a quick, free, dynamic kettlebell workout every week you can click below.
Also, we recommend you subscribe to our posts so you can be notified when we publish another set of movements. Additionally, you can be notified when we publish new articles about specific kettlebell movements or techniques as well as niche pieces like this designed for specific training. You can do that through the sign up form at the bottom of this post.
Kettlebell Kings has the most highly & frequently reviewed kettlebells in the world. We have free shipping in the US & Canada (, Europe ( and Australia ( Check out our 4,000 reviews for quality and customer service here!