Knowledge Center | Kettlebells, Fitness, Strength Training

Hello kettlebell lovers! Today, we bring you a HIIT Kettlebell training which stands for High-Intensity Interval Training (not to be confused with high-intensity training) . This means we'll be...

Intensives Kettlebell-Bauchmuskeltraining
What is up #kettlebellkings and #kettlebellqueens? Welcome to our kettlebell workout specifically designed to target those abs.
Instead of getting on the ground and doing a workout routine yo...

Mache deinen Körper mit dem Kettlebell-Swing unverwundbar.
I want to share a story on how the kettlebell swings have changed my life forever. When I was 13 years old, in the 8th grade, I remember that collision. It was twilight, I was in a football scr...

Kettlebell Cardio-Training
Are you looking to enhance your workout capacity, build endurance, and even drop some body fat? Then here's the perfect workout for you.
All you need is a lightweight kettlebell and cycle th...

Kettlebell Gewichtsleitfaden für Anfänger
Who Is The 16 KG Kettlebell For and What Are Its Uses?
Get your kettlebell set here!
Kettlebells in General is a journey and to unlock the strengths needed for a 16kg one must be willing to ...

Got just one kettlebell? This is the core workout for you. I've created a training circuit by incorporating a handful of movements to create a fun, powerful, core workout that you can perform i...

The Russian Kettlebell Swing: Benefits, How to Do It, and More
The kettlebell swing is one of the best ballistic strength training exercises on the planet. (Yes, I said it!)
It combines a squat with a swinging motion to engage most of the muscle groups in y...

7 Kettlebell-Bewegungen für große Männer
Hey, my fellow tall guys, in this article I will share with you seven movements that you can do with a kettlebell that will work for your long body.
I am 6'7 / 202cm and have been working out f...

Schwünge für Stabilität, Stärke und Kraft
The kettlebell swing is an important exercise in the continuum of kettlebell lifts. Not only is it beneficial on its own, but it is also a foundational exercise for other kettlebell ballistic m...