Knowledge Center | Kettlebells, Fitness, Strength Training

Got just one kettlebell? This is the core workout for you. I've created a training circuit by incorporating a handful of movements to create a fun, powerful, core workout that you can perform i...

7 Kettlebell-Bewegungen für große Männer
Hey, my fellow tall guys, in this article I will share with you seven movements that you can do with a kettlebell that will work for your long body.
I am 6'7 / 202cm and have been working out f...

What Muscles Does A Kettlebell Swing Work
It is important to understand what muscles are working during a kettlebell swing and how to identify your own weaknesses if you want to effectively include these in your training....

Kettlebell Deadlift: Forms and Benefits
Kettlebell deadlifts are a weight training exercise performed using kettlebells. In this exercise, you have to lift the kettlebells off the ground to the level of your hips. These kettlebell...
Killer Kettlebell Complexes
A quick guide to constructing the most effective kettlebell complexes for targeting any given goal and program examples for each. The most common goals of being fat loss, muscle gain and re...

Kettlebell Color Coding - What Do The Colors Mean?
We have a lot of colored kettlebells , and when we post them to social media, people frequently ask questions about the color designs, so we thought we would tell you why.
There are a few ...

Kettlebell Guide: What Is A Pood?
What is a Pood?
This is common question for folks new to kettlebell, especially if you have been getting your workouts from Crossfit. 'Pood' originated in Russia along with kettleb...

Kettlebell Flow Warm Up For BJJ & MMA
Warming up before any workout is important in order to get the most out of your strength building. We are glad to have Mike Salemi backi ( @kettlebelllifestyle ) to bring you the his Warm...

Introduction To Scott Sonnon of TacFit
Scott Sonnon of TacFit will be one of our contributers for our special content for Grappling Central listeners. Scott is known worldwide for the systems he has created and trains BJJ Worl...