Knowledge Center | Kettlebells, Fitness, Strength Training
1 pood kettlebell
Reasons You'll Love Competition Kettlebells
Competition kettlebells are often overlooked and left in the corner at gyms to just catch dust. Many people are intimidated by them, and for that reason, they are left alone, to sit in the dark...
1 pood kettlebell
What To Expect When You Start Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell training is all the rage right now. The word on the street is that if you take advantage of a kettlebell sale online at Kettlebell Kings and purchase a competition kettlebell to trai...
1 pood kettlebell
Start Sweating- It's Normal!
Kettlebells are becoming the future of working out. To get your body to sweat, it may take some effort. Sweat doesn’t come easy for some, but if you start using a competition kettlebell, we are sur...