Knowledge Center | Kettlebells, Fitness, Strength Training

Total Body Kettlebell Workout by Kettlebell Kings
A total body kettlebell workout is simple to do, whether you’re working out at the gym or home. This type of workout will buil...

Alyssa Kuhn
Kettlebell Kings: Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Kettlebell complexes are one of my personal favorites when it comes to kettlebell exercises because you can get an intense, full body workout in a short amount of time. A kettlebel...

Kettlebell Sport Long Cycle Tutorial | Kettlebell Sport Basics
If you haven’t yet seen the Swing Clean or Jerk videos, please view them now as these tutorials progress in order.
Long Cycle c...

Erin Mahoney
7 Most Common Kettlebell Exercises Mistakes
A kettlebell workout adds a functional training element to a program, but be careful of these common kettlebell mistakes. Of all the kettlebell mistakes you can make, the most common occ...

Kettlebell Sport Basics: Kettlebell Swing Clean
The Swing Clean is part of Long Cycle, one of the three traditional Kettlebell Sport lifts. Men use 2 bells, women can use one,...

Kettlebell Clean
Kettlebell Foundations: Hardstyle Kettlebell Clean
We are excited to continue our popular Kettlebell Foundations series for those getting acquainted with kettlebells. Doug Fioranelli is the owner of Rise Above Performance Training® where he u...