3 Key Components of a Balanced Meal

3 Key Components of a Balanced Meal

Have you ever eaten a meal and within 2 hours after eating you felt hungry or “snacky”? This is such a common feeling for people who try to restrict calories and/or for those who are just foll...

Win, Win, Win!

Win, win, win! Win this 16kg Orange Camo Cerakote Kettlebell, it’s easy: 1) follow our new training account @kbkliving.fit Kettlebell Kings has the most highly & frequently reviewed k...

Full Length Workouts Added to Living.Fit

We have added hours of full length workouts to our new training site Living.Fit (sample below)! Now, anytime you want to get a quick 10-25 minute workout in, you can log in to your account and p...

January 2019 Living.Fit Challenge

Each month at Living.Fit we have new challenges to participate in. This month is the Deep Squat Challenge! Use #kbklivingfit and on social media as well as share your experience in the forum at...
Hip Stretches

Learn How To Stretch Your Hip Flexor!

Learn how to stretch your hips from Living.Fit! Looking for Kettlebells? Shop Now! Kettlebell Kings has the most highly & frequently reviewed kettlebells in the world....