Kettlebell Snatch

Building Technique for Snatch: 3 Points for Basic Swings

Part 1: The Snatch appears to be a deceptively simple lift, but as you improve your technique you’ll discover many aspects to this lift that are important to enhancing your results. In this p...
kettlebell snatch

Kettlebell Snatch Basics: Part 5

Kettlebell Basics: Part 5 with Lorna Kleidman A very common question and one that I struggled with for a long time is, “How long should the back swing be & is it the same length with heavi...
kettlebell snatch

Snatch Basics - Part 3

Snatch Basics: PART 3 with Lorna Kleidman 3 Ways the Bell Will Fall Into Backswing 2 Options for Stance When the bell drops into the backswing there are 3 possible positions the handl...
kettlebell snatch

Kettlebell Sport Snatch Basics Part 6

This session goes over breathing. All lifters want and need to know when to breathe during the Snatch, but thinking of when to inhale and when to exhale can become confusing. I recommend just f...